Budget 2015
Not sure about the Budget pluses and minuses so can’t comment. But these things, specific to disability employment, are pretty good:
• $2.2 million investment from 1 July 2015 over four years to allow young people with disability to receive up to six months of Disability Employment Services (DES) support while participating concurrently in State and Territory post-school employment or transition to work programs, giving them the extra support they need to get into the workforce.
• $14 million from 1 January 2016 over four years to allow eligible people with disability employed in Australian Disability Enterprises (ADEs) to access the support of a DES provider for up to two years to help them secure employment in the open labour market, while maintaining their ADE employment. Currently, people with disability must resign from their ADE to receive assistance from a DES provider.
Both are welcome adjustments that will enable people to move from ADEs to attempt open employment without penalty.
As well, the Transition to Work/DES interface improvement is also much appreciated.
Regular readers will know we make a fuss over bad news – here’s an example of unqualified praise. (There should always be at least one!)
– Martin Wren